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Tip #4.
Motivation – By definition, the reason or reasons one has for acting or behaving in a particular way. The general desire or willingness of someone to do something.
Seasonal employees can be quickly overlooked and even (dare-I-say) bored. There is a countdown on their time from the start. Consider adding something a little extra to their self-motivation of extra income. Some employers have adopted the inclusion of seasonal employees in special sales bonus incentives, a company holiday party or appreciation lunch, and having them participate in regular staff meetings. Take the sales bonus incentive further and make it a friendly competition.
The easiest way to guarantee employee motivation is with a sincere “thank you.” I bet you thought the focus word for tip 3 was going to motivation, didn’t you? No, but almost. The idea of motivation can be daunting for many in the business world. Motivating yourself, motivating others, we could fill an entire room with encouraging words and still not foster the effort you expect. The focus word today is Appreciation. I’m calling it out, shouting it from the rooftops, stressing it with every fiber of my being because it’s just that important.
Why are you bringing in seasonal employees? To ensure you provide the very best customer service. A happy and appreciated employee does their work gladly and with confidence. Employees who feel appreciation will find value in the tasks they perform, be more productive and willing to step up and go the extra mile for customers and co-workers. Besides, imagine the free walking advertisement you can get from the highly-satisfied employees sharing about their great experience working for you! That’s a win-win all the way around.
TL:DR/Take Away: Appreciated employees are motivated to do a good job.