This is a blog about REAL questions with REAL answers from REAL people for REAL business owners and professionals. How many times have you had questions about payroll or just business or tax questions in general, but couldn't figure out exactly what to ask or who to ask it to? I hope it's comforting to know you're not the only one this happens to! I felt the same way in the beginning, many years ago. It's actually what drove me to this profession in 1984! Now, after decades of helping thousands of people, just like you, I'm writing this blog to help YOU! So dig in - see if some of our questions and answers put words to your thoughts. We're here to help - so reach out to us with your every-day challenges and we'll create a post just for you!
What's ahead for small business?
As the $2.2 trillion aid package heads to President Trumps desk today, we have been following the recent legislation regarding resources coming for small business employers and their employees. Here's a real quick recap of how I understand what's ahead - things are changing daily, so please check in with us to discuss your needs and how we can help:
• $1200 per person plus $500 per child will be sent, possibly sometime in early April.
• Unemployment funds are going to be quicker and more for those unemployed. Unemployed hoosiers should apply online at www.in.gov.dwd
• Small businesses will have incentives to keep their employees on the payroll, with Payroll Protection loans and SBA Disaster loans. Businesses will likely only qualify for one of these loans so business owners will need to consider the differences and see which one fits their needs the best.
Payroll Protection loans will be easier to get, without collateral and owner guarantees. The amounts will be 2.5 times the average payroll costs. Portions of the loans will be forgiven when the loan proceeds are used for payroll, rent/mortgage interest and utilites over the 8 weeks following the loan issue. Any loan amounts not eligible for forgiveness can be repaid over 10 years at up to 4% rate and initial payments may be delayed for 6 months. If used for payroll and certain essential operating expenses, the Payroll Protection Loan effectively becomes a grant of sorts.
SBA Disaster loans will undergo more underwriting and require more paperwork, more owner credit-worthiness, and more collateral. However, funds may be used for a more extensive list of operational needs, such as accounts payable, fixed debt payments, mortgage payments and payroll.
You can always find links to the latest important facts on our website at www.payrollvault-indianapolis-in-134.com
Or send me an email at debra.schill@payrollvault.com
Stay well and we look forward to hearing from you.
Debra Schill, CPA I Owner
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